Lauren works part-time & worried about taking on more debt.
SVA explained how negative gearing works and gave Lauren and Michael the information they need to make informed decisions.
SVA provides tax planning advice.
Investment properties provide more than negative gearing benefits. SVA explained how fixtures can be depreciated and which expenses can be claimed.
Joint tenants vs tenants in common.
Property ownership structures can provide further tax benefits. SVA made recommendations based on Lauren & Daniel’s situation.
Meet Lauren & Daniel
Lauren and Daniel wanted to purchase an investment property but they were uncertain about whether they could afford it.
They went to Sashi Veale & Associates (SVA) for advice. This is how SVA helped Lauren & David.
How we work
Whether you are interested in purchasing shares or property, it’s important to understand how negative gearing will affect your cash flow and taxation. As with anything, there are benefits and pitfalls so it’s important to make an informed decision.
At Sashi Veale & Associates, we will take the time to carefully and simply explain the things you need to consider so you can make an informed decision. In particular, we will talk to you about:
- How negative and positive gearing works
- If it’s worthwhile undertaking this type of investment from a taxation perspective
- How investments in shares or property may affect your tax obligations
- If a couple is investing in property, should they consider owning it as joint tenants or tenants in common
- The suitability of the investment for your situation
For an accounting team who will clearly and simply explain how your investment plans will affect your cash flow and taxation obligations, talk to Sashi Veale & Associates.