Tax planning advice.
Before the end of each financial year SVA examine Shane’s income for the year and discuss ways to minimise his taxable income.
Support Shane’s bookkeeper.
SVA helped Shane’s bookkeeper implement systems to control stock levels and cash flow. They also give practical advice on managing Shane’s accounts.
Employing an apprentice.
Shane wants to employ an apprentice. SVA have provided Shane with information on available Government subsidies as well as Shane’s employer obligations.
Acquiring new equipment.
Shane wants to purchase a new van and invest in some high-tech equipment. SVA provided advice on whether leasing or purchasing was his best option.
Meet Shane
Shane is a tradie. He started his business a few of years ago. His business is growing steadily and he now has a few strata managers and builders as clients so his workload and cash flow are quite steady. Last year, Shane decided he needed assistance with his paperwork so he has employed a bookkeeper/office manager to help him.
Shane has been with Sashi Veale & Associates (SVA) since he began his business. This is how SVA help Shane.
How we work
Our role is to free you from your accounting obligations so you can focus on running your business. We are always available to provide you with clever ideas and advice to:
- Maximise your profits
- Improve debtor management
- Enhance the cash flow of your business
- Manage stock levels
We will also work with your bookkeeper (if you have one) to ensure you have streamlined accounting systems in place to grow and manage your business.
Services we provide our self-employed clients include:
- Tax planning advice
- Information on tax deductible business expenses
- Assistance with developing tax minimising strategies
- Tax compliance such as BAS and tax return preparation and lodgement
- Advice on employer obligations when hiring staff
- Guidance on leasing vs purchasing new equipment
- Budgeting & forecasting
- Strategic & accounting advice
If you would like an accountant that provides practical, realistic advice to help you run your business, talk to the team at Sashi Veale & Associates.